Man trade show cancels Paris edition but confirms New Yorkâs

Man trade show cancels Paris edition but confirms New York’s

Translated by

Nicola Mira

On Thursday, another Parisian trade show cancelled its forthcoming edition: the organisers of ManPremière Classe show. Man’s January 2022 edition was the chance to put the show back on the Parisian event map, with a smaller number of exhibitors this time, about 60 in total.

Man will still have to wait to showcase its exhibitors at the Vendôme Pavilion in Paris – FNW

“This year we are celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Man/WomanAntoine Floch

The anniversary celebrations are therefore likely to take place for the event’s women’s counterpart, with the Woman show scheduled on March 4-6, still at the Vendôme Pavilion.

In the meantime, barring a change in plans in the next few days, Floch intends to go ahead with Man’s New York edition, at a venue located at 52 Walker Street, showcasing the collections of brands coming chiefly from Europe.

“We did a poll just before the holiday season and we had 400 responses from our network about their intentions for January. US buyers have been forced to decide not to travel to Europe, but they expect to be present in New York. We were planning to feature about 20 brands, and about 15 labels are still ready to come and present their products for the Fall/Winter 2022. Since [US] buyers cannot come to Europe, we will enable them to see the collections [in New York],” said Floch.

In parallel, Floch and his staff are preparing to offer advisory services to labels, and are renovating the premises of Small

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