Globetrotter and Myclimate unveil first results of assortment and second-hand items analysis
As part of a joint project, outdoor equipment manufacturer Globetrotter and the environmental protection foundation Myclimate calculated the greenhouse gas emissions of 40 product groups, such as rucksacks, hiking boots and rain jackets. In addition, they determined the average CO₂ savings achieved by second-hand equipment in the respective product categories.

So-called scope 3 emissions, from upstream and downstream processes in supply chains, represent a challenge for many companies, particularly retailers, when drawing up their carbon footprint, explains Globetrotter. In collaboration with Myclimate, the equipment manufacturer intends to tackle this problem.
“Effective climate protection must start where emissions, and therefore potential, are greatest. A prerequisite for this is the collection of data and the establishment of a balance sheet – we have taken a first step in this direction, in collaboration with Myclimate,” explains Fabian Nendza, CSR Manager.
As part of the joint project on the carbon footprint of outdoor products, Globetrotter and Myclimate calculated greenhouse gas emissions at product group level.
“With this project, we want to give the industry a boost and encourage the brands in our range to join us in taking up the challenge of scope 3 emissions,” explains Fabian Nendza. “For us, the project represents both an initial approach and a starting point for further discussion, and it is intended to be developed in the future.”
Globetrotter is using the results to obtain an overview of its own scope 3 emissions. “Because it is precisely this data that will help us to effectively pursue our commitment to climate protection and achieve the climate targets that have been set,” as the company puts it.
But this is only possible in collaboration with the partner brands, which are already carrying out their own calculations, developing reduction targets and implementing a number of measures.
With the results of the project, the company also wants to help customers adopt more climate-friendly consumption behaviour. That’s why the greenhouse gas emissions of second-hand products have also been calculated.
The result: on average, second-hand outdoor equipment saves around 80% of greenhouse gases compared to a new product.
So, according to Globetrotter, an average new tunnel tent generates around 67kg of CO₂e emissions. In contrast, for a second-hand tent, they amount to just 9.9 kg. An average rain jacket would be around 9.1 kg of CO₂e, compared with just 2 kg for the same second-hand product.
CSR Manager Fabian Nendza explains, “On average, each of us is responsible for 10.8 tonnes of CO₂ emissions per year. Around 31% of these emissions come from consumer goods such as clothing or electronics. Buying second-hand products, as well as making products last longer, can therefore help to reduce our own CO₂ footprint.”